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Get Unique With Your Next Indoor Stone Project

stone veneer basement bar

When our sister company, Swerl Designs, was formed, we looked for ways to merge the two together on projects. Finding the beautiful balance between the two is what we love to do when talking to any customer.

In this month’s blog we wanted to feature a few indoor stone projects that will hopefully get some ideas flowing for your next indoor stone project!

Basement Bar

Have you always wanted a bar in your basement for entertaining purposes? This resident wanted the same, and with our help they now have a unique bar that will surely be the talk of the party! The work from A Stone’s Throw was adding the stone veneer to both the back wall and also around the bar. Swerl Designs came in to handle the bar top, which was made from different color epoxies. We love the finished project!

Mantle Wall

Add an accent wall by having stone veneer installed by A Stone’s Throw, and then some custom mantles by Swerl Designs. We first created a wall like this for a customer who was building a house. Recently, we had someone who after seeing that wall, loved the idea and wanted something similar around their fireplace. I don’t know about you, but we think these walls really bring uniqueness to a room!

These were only a few projects we did as A Stone’s Throw and Swerl Designs. Bringing elements of nature inside helps give life to your rooms, and real stone work makes for a unique look with character. Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can give your home some character and uniqueness!


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